From observing the dry leaf, the pattern of Ginkgo is initiated from a point, extending to the edge. It's perfect to reveal the pattern on a square-shape paper. I choose to develop the green-yellow draft because it's suitable to present in watercolour.
There are good meanings in Ginkgo: In, Japan, it symbols the longevity; In China, it means friendship. When I did my research, I also, found there is a German poet, wrote a friendship poem about the Ginkgo.
Talking about the friendship, there is one more thing that I want to add on the comment today:
In a relationship, even you have had so much love; you would have to say goodbye one day; In a friendship, although you are so far away from each other, you could keep this friendship in your lifetime
Salute to all respectable friends, and wish all the blessings to you all.